
Washington & 澳门葡京博彩软件 is subject to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Consumption, purchase, possession, or transportation of any alcoholic beverages by people under the age of 21 是被禁止的.

It is also unlawful for any person to knowingly provide alcoholic beverages to anyone under the legal drinking age of 21. Students are expected to obey the law and to take responsibility for their own conduct. In addition, the College maintains the following regulations regarding alcohol:

  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages or the possession of open containers of alcohol are prohibited in public areas of the College, 具体包括, 公共区域, porches, 校园住宿休息室, 体育设施和室外场地. Neither students nor the public may bring alcohol to any event that is open to the public.
  • Providing alcohol to minors is a violation of state and local law as well as a violation of the student code of conduct. Any student or groups of students found to be providing alcohol to minors will be adjudicated through the student code of conduct.
  • Alcoholic beverages may only be served at “closed” social functions in compliance with College policy and state law. “封闭”活动只接受书面邀请.
  • Students may not drink alcohol from a concealed container or any container larger then 12oz.
  • Drinking games such as beer pong or any other game that requires an individual to drink alcohol are prohibited.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be included in organized membership recruitment activities.
  • 禁止酒的广告、促销和销售.
  • Individual students and student organizations are responsible for their conduct, and the conduct of their guests and for promoting compliance with Pennsylvania laws and College policy.
  • Violations of the alcohol policy may result in disciplinary actions through the Student Code of Conduct.

不管有没有事先批准, the College may withdraw approval for any campus event or activity if the event or activity becomes unsafe, disruptive, or creates an environment conducive to violations of College policy or Pennsylvania law. It is recommended that any organization considering an event involving alcohol formulate and implement a program to increase alcohol awareness and prevent alcohol misuse for its members and guests.


The state of Pennsylvania has an alcohol emergency amnesty law (“Good Samaritan” law). The alcohol amnesty law provides “immunity from prosecution for a person under the age of 21 for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages if law enforcement, 包括校园安全警察, became aware of the possession or consumption solely because the individual was seeking medical assistance for someone else. The person seeking the assistance must reasonably believe he or she is the first to call for assistance, 必须在当局使用自己的名字吗, and must stay with the individual needing medical assistance until help arrives.”


根据州和联邦法律, 学生持有是违法的, 使用或销售非法药物, 滥用或分发处方药. 包括在这些类别中, 但不限于, 是:鸦片, 巴比妥酸盐, 安非他明, marijuana, 迷幻剂, 非法的类固醇, “约会强暴”药物, 以及其他非法或处方药. 这不仅是非法的, 但是存在, use and abuse of these drugs within the College are contrary to the intellectual and educational purposes for which the College exists. Indeed, possession of these substances may well be an indication that the student is not constructively engaged in academic endeavors. Individuals arrested for selling drugs or found to be in possession of significant quantities shall be subject to immediate suspension pending final disposition of the case in the College student conduct process. 如果学生后来被学院认定有罪, 她或他可能会被驱逐出华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件. In some cases the College may seek to include or provide outside law enforcement agencies with information, 协助毒品调查的证据或资源.

Use or abuse of illegal and controlled substances is a violation of College regulations. 违反这一政策的学生将受到纪律处分, 可能包括被学院停学. 随后的违规行为可能导致停学或开除.

随身物品:拥有随身物品, making no distinction between whether it has or has not been used for its intended purpose, 是被禁止的. Therefore, 学生不允许携带水烟, 水管或烟斗, 和/或设计用来抽烟草替代品的烟斗.

学生生活 staff members are available to provide counseling or referral services to students with concerns about drugs or alcohol use.


对使用和持有非法毒品的刑事处罚, 以及非法使用处方药, 有很大区别. Possession of a larger amount of a drug will typically result in criminal charges of 分布, 导致更严厉的惩罚. 刑事处罚的一些例子:

  • A criminal record for drug possession automatically results in the loss of federal financial aid for one year.
  • A criminal record for drug possession may prevent professional licensing and/or certification.
  • Possession of up to 30 grams of marijuana-- up to 30 days in prison, $500 in fines.
  • Possession of any controlled substance, such as heroin-- up to 1 year in prison, $5罚款5万元.
  • Possession of 5+ grams of cocaine-- 5-20 years in prison, $1罚款5万元.
  • 制造, 分布, 进口任何人造药物, 比如摇头丸——最高20年监禁和250美元,罚款5万元.


校园里不允许吸食大麻,即使有处方也不行. Since W&J receives federal aid, and marijuana is still illegal according to federal law, it is W&J policy that medical marijuana is not permitted on campus in any form.